Principle of operation and indications for the procedure
The manifestations of age-related changes in the skin are primarily associated with the loss of moisture in the intercellular space and a decrease in the proper stimulation of cellular structures, in other words, the natural processes of skin renewal slow down, the tissues lose elasticity, acquire a grayish tint, and pigmentation appears. The main substance that retains moisture in tissues, preserving our youth, is hyaluronic acid, the content of which gradually decreases in the body, starting from about 25 years old.
The hyaluronic acid of the ATLANTIS CLASSIC preparation, due to its high degree of purification and multiphase structure, quickly penetrates into tissues and binds water molecules in the deep layers of the skin, which allows it to retain moisture for a long time, stop the process of natural aging of cells and stimulate the synthesis of new collagen.
Depending on the indications and the initial state of the patient's tissues, the course of application of the drug includes 4-6 procedures with an interval of 10-12 days, supporting procedures after 2 months or according to indications.
At the end of the course of procedures, a complex rejuvenation of the face is observed - fine wrinkles are smoothed, turgor and skin tone are significantly improved - a noticeable lifting effect, the intensity of hyperpigmentation decreases (depending on the etiology), the pattern of the vascular network is lightened.
ATLANTIS treatments are performed exclusively by certified cosmetologists trained in intradermal injection techniques. The course of procedures is prescribed on the basis of a consultation with the following indications:
- prevention of age-related changes in the skin and subcutaneous structures
- decreased elasticity and density of the skin, deformation of the oval of the face, dull and uneven color;
- correction of superficial fine wrinkles;
- rosacea, vascular disorders
- violation of seboregulation and the work of the sebaceous glands, a tendency to acne, enlarged pores, in the complex therapy of acne 1-2 degrees;
- normalization of melanogenesis, reduction in the intensity of hyperpigmentation, smoothing of skin tone;
- preparation of the protective barrier functions of the skin for prolonged exposure to the sun or unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as restoration of the skin after intense exposure to UV rays;
- preparation before and rehabilitation after aggressive aesthetic procedures, recent plastic surgeries, medium peelings, laser resurfacing in the face, neck and décolleté area;
The effect of the procedure with ATLANTIS preparations is guaranteed already after the first session of biorevitalization injections, is noticeable after 3 days, multiplies over time and lasts up to 1 year, depending on the severity of age-related changes. To achieve the final and lasting result, it is strongly recommended to complete the full course of procedures prescribed by your beautician.